пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

alligator eats man

That is, this homemaker...

So, my mom calls and tells me about her trip to the flea market with my brother and his son, M.

Mom tells me that my brother� was excited. "He found a pirate shirt for M, and it fit perfectly."

I picture M in a white, long puffy sleeved shirt, perhaps with�wide swaying ruffles down the front.� In my mindapos;s eye, M looks rogueish with his golden curls, broad shoulders, wide cheekbones and perpetually golden skin.�

Itapos;s a great image, but, while I can picture Mapos;s body and face dressed as a pirate, I canapos;t picture M, himself,�dressing as a pirate. Heapos;s not a Lord of the Rings kindaapos; guy.� Heapos;s more into basketball and football... And my broapos; would�NEVER buy anything that might�remotely be construed as feminine.�

I smile, amused and bemused by my visions.

My mom tells me about the man selling VHS movies�for�$5 per 8 tapes.� She bought dozens.

Then she returns to the shirt. "M was really pleased with the shirt too. It had his name on the back. Of�course it was really the playerapos;s last name, and guyapos;s number too."

Iapos;m somehow disappointed.� M really would look good in a pirate shirt.
And Pittsburgh Pirates shirts are so mundane and common.

MY�son would plunder for a pirate shirt.� �

alligator eats man, alligator eats model, alligator eats phython, alligator eats python, alligator eats pyton.

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